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译林英语五年级下册Unit 7 Chinese festivals

2018年05月18日 10:18:13 访问量:26266 作者:周小琴

Unit 7 Chinese festivals

                                                      泰兴市新街小学   周小琴

教学内容:Story time


1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:the Spring Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, calltogetherdumplingJune , raceplacemountain.








Step1. Pre-reading


1.What’s the date today?

2.What’s the weather like today?

(2)Lead-in (Watch a video about kinds of Chinese festivals.)

1.T: We have many traditional Chinese Festivals.

First, let’s enjoy a video about them. Then, try to tell me what did the video talk about? What are they?

2.T:They are all Chinese Festivals

Learn the word “festival”.

3.T:What festivals can you see?(You can speak in Chinese?)

SQing ming Festivals…


(1)Lead-in the story time

1.There are many traditional Chinese Festivals,so today we learn Unit7 Chinese Festivals(贴标题) and we’ll learn four of them.

2.Watch the cartoon about the story time

1.First,let’s watch and choose,what festivals are mentioned? Ss:…

Learn four festivals:

The Spring Festival. (spring,the Spring Festival,It is the most important festivals inChina.)

The Dragon Boat Festival.(T:Who can teach us? S:Dragon ,Dra/gon

Dragon.Look at the boats.They are Dragon boats.At this festival,

People often have dragon boat races,so it called the Dragon Boat Festival.)

The Mid-Autumn Festival(autumn,mid中间, it is in autumn ,So we also call it“Mid-Autumn Festiva”.)

the Double Ninth Festival. (T:Who can teach us? S: Double , double , dou/ble,double.It is on the ninth day of ninth month,so we call it the Double ninth Festival.

(The way:预习后,会读四个节日的同学,用自己制作的生词卡片,采用以旧引新法,划分音节法,元音标注法,教其余同学,老师只需进行适当引导。)

3. Read and find

T:Read the whole text quickly, and find how to introduce these festivals?  (快速读全文,找一找,我们可以从哪些方面介绍这些节日?)Open you books to page 68.


T:总结并贴板书:Festival , Month(月份)Activites(活动),Food.

(2)Learn the first period.


T:First,let’s go and learn the most important Chinese festival?It’s…?I’ll ask you some questions.

2. Q1:First,When is the Spring Festival?

T:This is the first month, It’s the January . 贴板书

T:The second month is the February. 贴板书

T:The words are long ,but can you find the same? S: “uary” T:So it’s easy.

Q2:What do people usually do at the Spring Festival?

Ss: They… (处理“together”Way:Who can read it?Can you teach us?S: together, to/ge/ther, together.处理“get together” Way: 快速选出“get together”中文A一起站起来B团聚。) 贴板书

Q3:What do people eat?

Tips: We can guess the new words with the pictures.

Ss: Some …(处理“dumpling”Way:Who can read it?Can you teach us? S:jump--- dumpling--- dum/pling贴板书

T: Do you eat dumpling at the Spring Festival? Ss:No.

T:We uaually eat wonton(馄饨) in Liyang.

Do you know why we eat the dumpling?Many people eat dumpling,they hope to have good luck and make the life longer. What else do you eat at this festival?

What else do people do at this festival?

S:cleanthehouse;buypresents,food,andclothes;watchthefirework,it is lively,but they are bad for the environment;watch the lion dance.

3.T: Now, let’s read after the tape.Pay attention to the stress and the short stop.(3句可让学生模仿跟读T--Ss:How do you

think ?T:It’s long,but you read fluently.)

(3)Learn the other periods.

1.Lead-in T: How about the other festivals?Let’s try to read by ourselves.

2.Task1: Read the other festivals, learn the new words with each other.(小组合作读其他三个节日,互相学习新单词 )

Task 2: know the imformation of the three festivals .了解这三个节日的关键信息。

1.When’s the festival?

2.What do people do at this festival?

3.What do people eat at this festival?

And you can learn in your own way.Try to ask more questions about these festivals.Be quick,I’ll give you three minitues.

3.Let me check.

4.What festival is it? S:It’s the Dragon Boat Festival.

5.Then,let’s ask and answer by the key points.(不一致,用板书教)

(What? When? do? food?...)

Ss:When is it?

Ss: It’s in …

Ss:What do people do?

Ss: They…(大多数学生会直接回答:There are dragon boat races in some places.T:引导学生看图并回答:People watch/have the

dragon boat races .)

T:引导学生学习ace-race-place( races-places学生不太会读)

Ss:What do people eat?...

6. T: Now, let’s read after the tape.(2句找学生个别模仿读)

7.T:The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.What will you do?   What do you know about the Dragon Boat Festival?Or what do you want to know?Show it to us.You can speak in Chinese.

总结:People usually eat rice dumplings and salted duck eggs at the Dragon Boat Festival. People also call it Duan Wu Festival. It’s a festival for Qu Yuan.

8.The same way to check the Mid-autumn Festival.

Ss learn the new words by asking and answering.

Say something more about the Mid-autumn Festival.

e.g. On the Mid-autumn Festival ,people come back home and have a big dinner with their family.So,it is a festival for family.

9.The same way to check the Double Ninth Festival.

e.g.T: Is it a festival for all of the people?S:No,it is just for the old people. Please:Love our grandparents, Love the old people!

Step 3.Post-reading

(1)Work in four.Read by yourself.(多种形式)

(2)Retell the story.You can choose one festival,or one aspect of

(3)Introduce your favourite festival to your parter.Contact with real life.

(4)Emotional sublimation. (情感升华)

Chinese festivals are for people to get together.It means fun,reunion,blessing,and memory.Let’s enjoy our festivalsand love our culture.

(5)Let’s talk

1.What other traditional Chinese festivals do you know?


2.If you want to know a festivalwhat questions can you ask?(如果你想了解一个节日,你可以问哪些问题?)

3.If you introduce a festival,what aspects can you talk about? (如果你想介绍一个节日,你可以从哪些方面谈?)

Step 4 Homework

1. Look for more Chinese festivals

2. Try to retell the text after class.


叶卉(2018/6/12 16:37:09)


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