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译林英语三年级下册Unit 5复备教案

2018年05月03日 08:58:42 访问量:28844 作者:胡亚琴

Unit 5 How old are you?复备教案


教学内容:Story time


1、能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答Im ···.

2、能在情景中正确的使用How lovely ! Here you are.



能听懂、会说、会读单词:nine, eight, four, five, six, seven, ten

能听懂、会说、会读句子:How old are you ?及其回答Im ···.

教学准备:PPT cards


Step 1 Warming up

1. Greetings & Simon says      

   Simon says: close your book / listen to Miss Hu/ behind / under/ Dont talk.

2. Listen to a song

T: Next, lets sing a lovely song  Ten little Indian boys   OK?      


Step 2 Presentation

1. T: How many Indian kids are there in the song?

  Ss: Ten.             

T: Yes. There are ten kids in the song.

  Teach: ten

T: Now can you count from one to ten ?

  Ss: (count)  one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

T拿着数字卡片: You can read the number after me.     (做手势)

读一个拼读一个数字(1-3除外)         学生跟读单词。


2. Game: 比比谁更快


3. Read the numbers : phone number ,  calculation

4. Introduce the name and age.

   T: The Indian kid is Rosie. Do you want to know her age?

Ss: Yes.

T: Lets ask her Rosie, Rosie, how old are you?

T: 教师做手势,学生按照手势回答 using Im ............


Step3 Consolidation

1. T: Boys and girls , from the dialogue we know XX is nine , XX is ten. Do you know how old are they? Look at the picture, who are they ?

Ss: Mike, Helen, Tim.           (黑板贴人物)

  T: Do you know how old are they ?               S: No.

  T: Lets guess, OK?               Ss: OK.

  S: Is he nine/ ····?              T: Maybe.

  T: Now lets watch the cartoon and find the answer  How old is Mike/ Helen/ Tim ? , OK?

  T: Mike is ···.              S: Nine.

Helen is ···.              Eight

Tim is ···.               Two           ( 将相应的数字贴到黑板上)

2. T: We know Mike is nine, Helen is eight, Tim is two. But do you know where are they ? Lets watch the cartoon again , then answer these questions ,OK?

Ss watch and answer.          

Q1. Where are they ?                   

  Q2. What does the woman say to the children?

Q1 引出 toy museum 玩具博物馆   (Ss read

Q2 引出 Here you are. 给你。 Here you are. =This is for you.

3. T: Boys and girls , there are many toys in the toy museum, do you know which toy is for Mike, which is for Helen, which is for Tim ? Now lets read after the tape, and do the match , OK?                    Ss: OK.


Ss: This dog is for Helen. / This robot is for Mike./ This panda is for Tim.( 学生练说This ···is for ···)

4.T: Boys and girls , you know the dog is for Helen, the robot is for Mike, the panda is for Tim. Now this time you can read the dialogue by yourselves. And then finish the exercise, OK?

  One day, Mike, Helen and Tim are in the toy museum. Mike is ______, this______     is for Mike. ______ is eight, the _____ is for her (). Tim is only (只有)_____, the panda(熊猫) is for _____. They are very happy.


T: OK, boys and girls. Look at the blackboard, and look at these cards, can you make a sentence like this? For example, Tim is two. This panda is for Tim.  Like this, who can try ?

S1: Mike is nine. This robot is for Mike.              T: How clever!

S2: Helen is eight. This robot is for Helen.              How pretty!

5. Boys and girls , after reading the dialogue, do you have any questions about this story ? Oh, I have a question. Why is the robot for Mike, not for Tim? Why is the panda for Tim, not for Helen. Now lets read the dialogue together, then help me to solve the problem, OK?

   Why is the robot for Mike , not for Tim?

   Why is the panda for Tim, not for Helen ?

Ss read together.

T: OK, now, can you tell me the reason? You can look at the picture carefully.


T: Yes. You are a clever boy/ girl. Because the robot and the dog are for the children of the ages from 6-10, Mike is nine, and Helen is eight. So the robot and the dog are for them. But the panda is just for the children of the ages from 2-5, Tim is only two, so he gets the panda. Now you are clear, yes or no?

Sep4 Summary

1. T: Great! Boys and girls, what have you learned from this lesson? Now you can listen to music and recall.             


2. Lets summarize.

(1).When we ask someones age, we can ask: 


(2).When you want to answer the age, you can say


(3).When you want to praise something, you can say


(4).When you want to give somebody something, you can say


3. T: Finally, let’s enjoy a song  How old are you? You can sing together. But you must sing seriously, maybe Ill ask you some questions .

 Q1. How old is Johns son?  

 Q2. Is johns daughter eight?

 Q3. How old is my brother?


Step5 Homework

1. Read Story time after the tape three times.

2. Read and spell the new words, and copy them in your exercise books.


叶卉(2018/6/12 16:35:22)


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