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译林英语五年级下册Unit 7复备教案

2018年06月20日 16:09:19 访问量:22918 作者:周小琴

教学内容:Story time


1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:the Spring Festivalthe Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, calltogetherdumplingJune , raceplacemountain.








Teaching procedure

Step1. Pre-reading


2.Enjoy a song about months

T: How many months are there in a year? What are they?

(1)Learn twelve months

(2)Riddles: Read and guess the food(学习:dumplingrice dumpling, moon cake, rice cake)

3. T: We eat these traditional food at different Chinese festivals, do you know any Chinese festivals? You can say in Chinese. (Learn: Chinese festivals)

4.Let’s guess

T:It seems that you’ve already known many traditional Chinese festivals. Now here’s a guessing game for you. Can you figure out what festival it is?

介绍四个节日:Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival(图片介绍dragon boat race), Mid-Autumn Festival and Double Ninth Festival.


1. Watch the video and match the pictures

T:There are many traditional Chinese Festivals, so today we learn Unit7 Chinese Festivals(贴标题) and we’ll learn four of them. Now, let’s watch the video and match the four pictures.

2. Listen and answer(passage1)

(1) When is the Spring Festival?

(2) What do people do at the Spring Festival?(出示图片:together)

(3) What do people eat at the Spring Festival?(出示图片:dumplings)

(Tips: You can underline the answers while listening.)

(学生总结:我们可以从哪些方面介绍节日?师板书:Festival , Month(月份)Activities(活动),Food.)

3. Can you fill in the blanks?

完成spring festival的表格,老师拓展介绍spring festival

 4.Learn the other periods.

T: How about the other festivals? Let’s try to read by ourselves.

  Know the imformation of the three festivals .了解这三个节日的关键信息。

(1)When’s the festival?

(2)What do people do at this festival?

(3)What do people eat at this festival?

5.Fill in the form

 ( When? do? food?...)

(1)T:The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.What will you do?   What do you know about the Dragon Boat Festival?Or what do you want to know?Show it to us.You can speak in Chinese.

总结:People usually eat rice dumplings and salted duck eggs at the Dragon Boat Festival. People also call it Duan Wu Festival. It’s a festival for Qu Yuan.

(2)The same way to check the Mid-autumn Festival.

Say something more about the Mid-autumn Festival.

e.g. On the Mid-autumn Festival ,people come back home and have a big dinner with their family.So,it is a festival for family.

(3)The same way to check the Double Ninth Festival.

T: Is it a festival for all of the people?

S:No,it is just for the old people.

T: Please: Love our grandparents, Love the old people!

Step 3.Post-reading

1.Listen and repeat

2.Work in four: Read by yourself.(多种形式)

3.Retell the story: You can choose one festival

4.Introduce your favourite festival to your partner. Contact with real life.

5.Emotional sublimation. (情感升华)

Chinese festivals are for people to get together.

It means fun, reunion, blessing, and memory.

Let’s enjoy our festivals and love our culture.

Step 4 Homework

1. Introduce your favourite festival to your partners.

2. Listen to the recording of the text and try to imitate.

叶卉(2018/6/20 16:18:41)


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