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英语实验课 六年级 第四次

2015年05月10日 21:01:36 访问量:5248

Unit 5 A party (第一课时)

执教:泰兴市新街小学  费月 


一、Teaching contents教学内容:Story time

二、Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:


   2.能听懂、会读、会说单词: balloon, appear, clown, begin


三、Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点:


   2.能听懂、会读、会说单词: balloon, appear, clown, begin



五、Teaching procedures教学过程:

Step 1: Greeting&Lead-in

1.T: Look at these pictures, do you know what holiday is it?

 Ss: It’s Children’s Day.

  T: Yes, it is. And we know, Children’s Day is coming soon.

I’m going to have a party with my friends. PPT出示a party

2.Ask and answer

T:Children’s day is a day for our Children, do you like it?

What did you do last Children’s Day?

What are you going to do this coming Children’s Day?

Are you going to…? 4-6 Ss

T:Now,can you talk about your Children’s Day’s plan,using these sentence structures:(PPT)

Step 2:presentation

1.Watch and choose

T:We have made a good plan for Children’s Day.our friend Mike and his friends are preparing for Children’s Day.They are going to have a party.and today we’ll learn Unit5 A party.(揭题) you’re going to watch a cartoon,but before that,think about these questions.

(1)When are the children going to have the party?(    )

  A Sunday morning       B   Saturday  morning

(2)Where are they going to have the party?  (   )

  A. in a park       B .at Mike's home

3Who is going to take part in the party?       

  A. Mike , Yang Ling , Su Yang, Liu Tao

  B. Mike , Yang Ling , Su Hai ,   Liu Tao


b.核对答案并板书when  where who

2.Listen and match

T:Yes,WB,YL,SH,and LT are going to have a party,what are they going to bring to the party,let’s listen and match.when you’re lintening,try to catch the key messages.

T:Let's do some matching exercises.


b.核对答案时请学生用be going to 句型说一说.(板书准备的物品)

3.新授 clown appear

T:Yes ,LT is going to bring some balloons to the party.balloon 跟读两遍 look,who is coming? A clown appears,look at the clown,he has a big nose, he has a funny hat,he often makes people laugh,so a clown means …

T:LT dressed up as a clown,Look at his friends ,they are so happy?

Why? Maybe because they get some balloons, maybe because a clown appears. Appears means come into sight and view.(讲解appear)

4.Read and choose.

T:Everyone appears, now the party begins,(新授begin)

 read this paragraph by yourself, and try to choose the right answer,

 what are the children going to do first?

 How do know that? Can you tell me the key sentence?

T:YesI sure these children are going to have great fun.

Step3: Conslidation

1.Listen and repeat.

Now,let's follow the tape and try to imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation,especially these signs,maybe they will help you read better.


2.True or false

T: Boys and girlswe have got every details of this story.let’s make a quick judgement,if you think it’s true,do this,if you think it’s false,do this.

2.Watch and retell

T: 老师带领学生一起(根据黑板的板书,复述课文)


1.boys and girls,do you want challenge yourself? This time I will offer you some tasks:

Task 1: 有感情地朗读本文的重点句型

T:Task one ,read the following sentences,pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation,especially these signs,maybe they can help you read better.

Task 2: 自选本文的1-4幅图,复述课文

T:Task two: Here are four pictures,that’s the whole story ,you can  retell the story according to the blackbord or the pictures and the sentences,four students a group,choose one to retell

Task 3: 设计自己的儿童节计划

T:You can design your own plan for Children’s Day with your partner, using What are you going to bring to the party?Are you going to...?to discuss what you’re going to bring and what you’re going.Write down your plans on the paper.


Boys and girls, if we want to do something well.please make good preparation, because Before everything else, getting ready is the secret of success.

Step 5 Homework

1.Read the story five or more times, and try to recite it.

2.Talk about the parties in English with your friends.









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