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Unit 3 A healthy diet(初备)

2021年03月11日 08:05:06 访问量:3962

Unit 3  A healthy diet

Story time


Teaching contents 

Story time 

Teaching aims and learning objectives 

1. 在情景中体会理解healthydiet的含义,并能够准确发音。

2. 学生在课文学习中初步感知a littlea few的用法区别。

3. 在饮食金字塔图的帮助下尝试叙述自己或他人的饮食,了解a fewa little的区别。

4. 结合插图理解并朗读课文,判断Yang LingMike的饮食习惯是否健康。

5. 初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己对healthy diet的看法。

6. 通过本课的学习,学生能形成健康饮食、健康生活的意识。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 


1. 学生能够理解、会读、会复述课文。

2. 通过课文学习,学生能了解什么是健康饮食并能修正自己不良的饮食习惯。

3. 学生在课文学习中初步感知a littlea few的用法区别。


1. 初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己的饮食习惯。

2. 通过阅读策略的学习,用表格、食物金字塔等,深刻理解健康饮食的含义,对healthy diet表达自己的看法。

Teaching procedures 

Step 1 Warm-up and free talk

1. Greeting & Revision

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Do you remember Wang Bing’s good habits? Does Wang Bing go to bed early? Why?

S: (复习Unit 2课文内容,回忆并回答)

T: What time did you get up this morning? Do you usually get up early?

Do you go to bed late?

S: …

T: Did you have breakfast this morning? 

S: Yes, I did.

T: What do you usually have for breakfast? Let’s do a brainstorming.

Step 2 Presentation

1. T: Do you have for your breakfast?

S: I have … for breakfast.

T: What about your lunch and dinner? Are they good for us?

S: I have some vegetables/meat/rice/noodles … They are good/bad for us.

2. T: OK. Today we’ll talk about healthy food. (教学healthhealthy)     

T: We should eat more healthy food and have a healthy diet.

(教学:diet并板书课题:Unit 3 A healthy diet)

Step 3 Story Time

1. Listen and number

T: Our friends Mike and Yang Ling are also talking about their diets. Now let’s listen to the tape, and then number the pictures.


2. Watch and answer

T: Please watch the cartoon, and then answer the questions.

  Question: What do they like eating?

3. Read and finish the form

T: What do they have for three meals? Let’s read the text and finish the form, and then talk about the form in groups.









Yang Ling




S: (小组汇报) Mike has … for his breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Yang Ling has … for her breakfast/lunch/dinner.

T: Good! But do you know how much food they have for three meals? (PPT出示并教学词组:a lot of, some, a little, a few)

4. Students read the text by themselves, and then finish True or false on P28.

5. Finish Read and write on P28.

6. Reading time: listen and repeat.


Step 4 Consolidation

1. Can you introduce Mike and Yang Ling’s diet? (给学生一定的图片和关键词)

2. Show the “Food pyramid”, and introduce the healthy diet.

3. Lets talk

  T: What do you think of Mike and Yang Ling’s diet? What about your diet? Is it healthy?


4. T: Wish everyone has a healthy diet, a happy life and a bright future!


1. 抄写本课新词新句。

2. 熟读、背诵、复述课文。

Teaching aids 



Unit 3  A healthy diet


         a few/a little

             some                       at a time

            a lot of


刘菲菲(2021/3/12 9:57:35)

张莉老师以复习旧知引起学生话题,free talk让学生有话可说,操练句型。通过对话提出healthy一词,引发学生思考,从而介绍文本内容。通过排序让学生粗略感知课文内容,进而通过问答引导学生思考,表格的形式一目了然,文本主要内容一跃而上。再通过表格引出多少的四个主要词汇,循循善诱。通过复述课文,学生自主问答拓展语言。最后老师总结健康饮食的重要性。整节课设计自然,贴合学情。

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李蓉(2021/4/22 13:44:37)

张莉老师在free talk环节通过花费大量时间开展对已有知识的回顾,循序渐进地与学生进行对话,促进学生思考,启发学生自主探寻本节课的重点情感:怎样是健康的习惯?在文本的新授方面,听说读写层层推进、面面俱到,注重学生英语综合素养的提高。在进行单词与词组的新授时,采用了各种形式的读,注重学生的发音,及时纠错。最后的拓展复述课文,学生自主问答拓展语言。整节课自然流畅,贴合学情。

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