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2017年03月26日 21:01:03 访问量:4520
 Unit4 Drawing in the park(story time)
1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult.
2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea!What can you see? I can see …Can you …? Sure, it’s easy. It’s difficult, but I can try.
Step 1 Pre-reading
2. Enjoy a song: I can skate and I can jump.
3. Brain storming
Non-stop talking: I can…
4.Play a game: Jump, jump
When you see a picture or a word, please read it loudly.
When you see the rabbits, please stand up and say “Jump Jump”.
Step2 While-reading
1. a. T: Boys and girls, let's go outing. Let’s get on the bus. Where can we go today? Can you guess?
  T: Good idea!
(Show a picture of a park) We are going to a park today.
Teach: park
T: What can you see in the park?/Can you see…?
Teach: flower, tree, boat, river.
 b. Chant: A tree, a tree, a green tree.
         I can see a green tree.
         What can you see?
c. Work in pairs
S1:What can you see?
S2:I can see a…/some…
2. Task1:Watch and answer
T: Our friends are also in the park today. Who are they? What are they doing?
T:Yes, they’re drawing in the park.
Teach: draw并揭示课题
T: Do you like drawing?
  What can you draw?
  Can you draw a/some…?
(work in pairs)
3. Task 2:Listen and circle
T: What does Tim draw in the park? Let’s listen and circle.
4. Task3: Read and judge.
T: Can Tim draw all of them well? Please read the story by yourselves and judge.
Tips: Read loudly; Underline the key sentences; Discuss with your desk-mate.
Check the answers.
T each: easy, difficult
5. Task4: Listen and imitate.
T: Read after the tape, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
6. Task5: Happy reading.
T: Read in pairs and then have a show.
Choose the way you like.
a. Read after one.
b. Read in roles.
c. Read together.
Step 3 Post-reading
Task6: Happy talking.
T: Show your picture and talk about it with your partner.
Step4 Homework
1.Read and imitate the story after the tape;
2. Introduce your picture to your classmates and parents.
张莉(2017/3/27 8:31:44)


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张花(2017/3/28 8:31:32)

吴老师的课能以学生的兴趣为导向,让学生在多样的活动中学习,把机械的操练升华为对语言的运用,真正体现语言的交际功能。课前游戏热身,营造了良好的英语学习的氛围,同时复习Can you …?这一句型,并顺利导出draw pictures 的教学

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叶卉(2017/3/29 15:38:01)


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张永华(2017/3/29 18:41:08)


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