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Unit 2 what a day!

2021年09月08日 10:35:18 访问量:22294

Unit 2 what a day!

Story time


1 能听懂、会说有关天气的单词。了解go , see, become, fly, bring, can 的过去式。

2 听懂了解句型 It was sunny/cloudy/windy.I/We/He/She brought/saw/flew...

3 初步掌握英语日记的格式。

4 能熟读并简单复述课文内容。



1、句型:It was sunny / cloudy / windy / rainy. I / We / He / She brought / saw/ flew…

2、词汇:sunny, become, windy, cloudy, sky, bring, drink, rainy




Step 1 : Warming up

Free talk

What day is it today? It’s…

What day was it yesterday? It was…

What is the date today? It’s the…of…

What was the date yesterday? It’s the…of…

 How is the weather today? It’s…

 How was the weather yesterday? It was…

2. Greeting

Step 2 : Lead in

1. Enjoy some pictures


T: i also scan the moment.oh? This is yang ling .what happened?板书标题

Step 3 : Story time

1.Watch and answer

T: i sent a message to yangling,let’s have a look.看视频

T: What about Yang Ling’s Sunday? Is she happy or crazy?She wrote a diary.讲解并带读diary

T: do you often write diaries?学生回答

T: how to write a diary? Date weather things(板书示范)

2.T: How about yangling’s diary?

Date (看图片回答强调日期的表达) weather听录音并板书

What did they do——Went to the park

What did they see——

其余的思维导图让学生自己完成可以请学生到黑板上),然后核对答案核对答案时自己举个例子it was。。。In the 。。。They 。。让学生说出其余两部分)。

T: why were they hungry and wet?(由思维导图的最后结果倒推前面的环节

Teach: weather, go-went, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainyinteresting, become-became, fly-flew, ant, bee, rain-rained

3.Read and order (P18)

T: Let’s read after the tape.

4.do some exercises

课本上 (P18)

Teach:bring-brought, honey, cloud

Step 4 : Homework

1. story time 3 .

2. 和好朋友一起描述今年暑假发生的事情。





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