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2017年04月21日 18:16:16 访问量:3842

Unit 6 An interesting country (Period 1)    


Teaching contents

story time

Teaching aims.

1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说,会写country, learn, about, next, magazine, exciting, like等单词。

2. 学生能听懂,会读,会说kangaroo, koala, Sydney等单词。

3. 学生能掌握一些常用短语和句型find out, read about, I’llYoull

4. 学生能读懂课文大意,了解澳大利亚的特色。

5. 学生能简要地介绍澳大利亚。

6. 学生了解课前自主学习的方式。

Teaching focus and difficulties

1. 学生能听懂,会读,会说,会写country, learn, about, next, magazine, exciting, like等单词。

2. 学生能听懂,会读,会说kangaroo, koala, Sydney等单词。

3. 学生能掌握一些常用短语和句型find out, read about, I’llYoull

4. 学生能读懂课文大意,了解澳大利亚的特色。

5. 学生能简要地介绍澳大利亚。

Teaching aids


Teaching procedure

1. Free talk

T shows a map of the world before class.

There are four countries concerned: China, Australia, the UK, the USA

T: What countries did you see on the map of the world just now?

When students are going to answer, T can show the map of each country in turn as a hint.

S recall and say out the four countries.

T: What do you think of the four countries?

is acountry.

SChina is a beautiful country.

SThe USA is a big country.

TWere going to talk about one country of them.

Guess! What country are we going to talk about?

T gives students 2 hints to guess.

1. It is the 6th big country in the world.

2. It is in the southern hemisphere.

T leads in the topic.

T: We are going to learn something about Australia with these children today.

T shows a picture in the text.


2. Presentation

1. Watch and answer

T: Look at the picture. They are talking.

What are they talking about?

Lets watch the cartoon and try to find out.

a. What to learn about the country.

b. How to find out about the country.

c. What they know about the country.

Teach: find out

2. Read, match and say

Q: How will the students find out about this country?

T shows some pictures of students and the ways they learn.

S read the first part of the text and then do the match.

When they are doing the match, they should use the sentences like:

Mike will

Wang Bing will

Liu Tao will

Yang Ling will

3. Think hard

T: The title of our text is an interesting country.

T: Think over this question: Why do people call Australia an interesting country?

T gives students some hints: animals, weather, sports, cities

S can have a free talk first.

S: There are some interesting animals in Australia.

S: There are some beautiful cities in the country.

S are required to read the next part of the text and think hard.

Group work:

1. Read the text onP59

2. Talk in the group and find out why

3. Try not to look at the book when you stand up talking.


S give answers.

SThere are some lovely animals in Australia.

T: What are they?

S: Kangaroos and koalas.

Teach: Kangaroos and Koalas.

S: People can see interesting sports games in Australia.

T: What is the game?

SAustralian Football.

Teach: Australian Football

S: People can visit beautiful cities.

T: Do you know the cities?


Teach: Sydney

T: The weather is different from our weather in the north.

When we are in winter, people in Australia have summer.

When we are in summer, they have winter there.

Its very interesting.

T: Do you know why Australia is an interesting country this time?

Lets make a summary.

Australia is an interesting country, because

Youll find lovely

Youll find exciting

Youll find beautiful

Youll find different

S: Youll find lovely animals.

S: Youll find exciting sports.

S: Youll find beautiful cities.

S: Youll find different weather.

4. Reading time

Students first read after the tape.

Students read by themselves.


3. Consolidation

1. Judge true or false

 After reading, students finish exercise on P60 without looking at the text.

2. Brainstorming

T: To attract more visitors, how can you make an advertisement for Australia?

Group work:

1. Talk about some ideas.

2. Act out the advertisement with the cooperation of the group.



1 Read the text and tell others about Australia.

2 Surf the Internet to know more about Australia.











Blackboard Design


Unit6 An interesting country        

How to study?                What to study?

Ask an e-friend               animals: kangaroos and koalas

Ask Australian friends          sports: Australian Football

Read about Australia           cities: Sydney

on the Internet                weather: different

Go to the library and look for

 books and magazines




Reflection after class


吴娟(2017/4/21 18:26:51)

张老师整节课教学程序衔接紧密,过渡自然。板书设计抓人眼球,让孩子自己归类有共同发音的单词,锻炼他们的思考能力和动手能力,效果很好。张老师教态自然,给人感觉亲切大方,我相信平时也比较受孩子们喜爱,所以整节课的氛围还是比较自然轻松的。在教授完新知之后,适时地通过fill in the blanks,listen and read,let's think,let's share,think and say等训练巩固教学,效果比较好。另外我最喜欢的是张老师给予了孩子们大声说,大胆说的机会。让学生在实际运用中操练will的将来时表达,有利于孩子全面地掌握语法知识。

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张永华(2017/4/23 15:31:08)


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张花(2017/4/24 13:39:09)

本课目标明确:1.借助信息卡和多媒体,用句型you’ll find …介绍四个国家的著名旅游景点。2.借助录音跟读绕口令,能说出字母组合air在单词中的发音,并根据发音规律读出新的单词。3.借助多媒体,运用He’ll…续编故事进行表演。

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