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Unit8 Dolls(初备)

2020年12月17日 09:52:09 访问量:6006

Unit8 Dolls




2.通过娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词hair,eyes, nose,mouth;

3.通过对比外貌迥异的娃娃以及看动作猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词big, small, long, short;

4.在介绍朋友猜测同学后,学生能够准确运用句型His…is…. Her … are…


1. 通过洋娃娃介绍,学生能够听懂、会说、会读单词hair,eyes, nose,mouth;

2. 通过对比外貌迥异的娃娃以及看动作猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词big, small, long, short;

3. 在介绍朋友猜测同学后,学生能够准确运用句型His…is…. Her … are….


1. 通过对比外貌迥异的娃娃以及看动作猜测游戏,学生能够理解会说形容词big, small, long, short;

2. 在介绍朋友猜测同学后,学生能够准确运用句型His…is…. Her … are….


Step1 Warm up


2. Free talk.

T;How are you?

S:I’m fine ,thank you

T:Do you like toys?

S:Yes.I do.

T:Do you have any toys

S:Yes,I do.

T:What do you have?

S1:I have some stickers.

T:What do you have?

S2:I have a toy car.

T:What do you have?

S3:I have a doll.

T:You have a doll.I have a doll too.


Step2 Lead in

T:Look,it’s my doll.Is it cute?


T:Thank you.Today we will learn something about dolls.

写标题:Unit8 Dolls(领读三遍)


Step3 Pre-reading

TLook,he is my new friend.Can you guess, who is he?


T:Look, he is a boy.His ears are big.


T:(教师领读)Read after meear,ear,an ear,an ear,ears,ears

His eyes are big.


T:(教师领读)Read after meeye,eye,an eye,an eye,eyes,eyes

Look at the two balls,this ball is big.(领读几遍bigThis one is small.


T:So,who is he?

S:He is Tutu.


This is a photo of Tutu’s family.

This is his mother.Her mother’s hair is long.(领读hair

But his father’s hair is short.Look at the two pencils.This one is long.(领读longThis one is short.(领读short

This is a mouth.Tutu’s mother’s mouth is small.Tutu’s father’s mouth is big.

This is a nose.Look,Tutu’s mother’s nose is small.Tutu’s father’s nose is big.

Do you like my friend?


T:OK.Now,Let’s play a game- Listen, speak and do:If I say‘Touch your eyes’, you do it and say ’Eyes, eyes!’Understand? Are you ready?Let’s go!


T;Good job.Are you happy? Let’s enjoy a song together.

Touch your eyes,you can act according the song.


T;Good voice.Now ,please look at my doll.Can you describe my doll.For example,her hair is long.



Step4 While-reading

1.Watch the cartoon and choose

T:Yang Ling, Su Hai, Liu Tao and Wang Bing are talking about their dolls too.What are they talking about?Let’s watch the cartoon and find the answer.

  1. Read and fill in the blanks
  2. Retell the story with the information in the blanks
  3. Choose the way you like to read
  4. Read and fill


Step5 After reading

  1. Introduce your friend

T:Do you know them? The first one is Snow White,the second one is Big head son,the last one is sakura momoku.You can choose one to be your friend.Try to describe them.You can work with your partners.You can use these sentences.

2.Be kind to your friends, because:A friend in need is a friend indeed








李蓉(2020/12/21 19:06:04)

刘彩红老师以free talk导入,引出自己的doll点题。在部位单词的新授过程中,利用同学们耳熟能详的卡通人物(图图及其爸爸妈妈)新授五官类单词及特点类单词,不断对照自己的doll来让学生有更加直接的感知与理解。并游戏操练,很好的契合了学生的年龄特点以及兴趣点,促进学生对知识点的掌握。并通过富有节奏感的歌曲《Touch your eyes》让学生动起来,操练单词,使课堂气氛更加活跃。拓展环节游戏形式丰富多样而有梯度,保证了学生的注意力的集中。

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